Sophia Day Buns waiting to Rise

So today is Saint Lucia day which always falls on December 13th.  While this is a holiday very strongly embraced by Sweden, it actually commemorates an event that took place-allegedly-in Rome when Lucia brought food to roman Christians who were in hiding. She wore a crown of candles on her head so her hands were free. She was discovered and put to death by sword after she would not burn.  Now fast forward from those times to 25 years ago and Ivan’s and my annual holiday party feel on December 13th so I made Lucia Day foods and had the candles around the house. One of the very nice Lucia day candle holders was a bit low and it set one of our guests on fire. Luckily, she was not hurt but it did burn a hole in her nice sweater.  Between that event and the fact that Jay lived in Sweden, I have always had a soft spot for Saint Lucia.  One of the 1000 Foods to Eat Before you Die are Saffron Buns that are eaten in Sweden on St. Lucia day.  We broke down and made them to commemorate this event.  They are a nice sweet bun with a subtle taste of saffron. We eat Lucia Day buns to commemorate a feisty, bad-ass women.  What is not to like? 
