Scandinavian Cloudberry and French Red Currant Jams

Red Currant Jam

Mimi seems to think that French red currant jam is the best jam in the world. Called Bar-le-Duc Confiture de Groseilles in France (the origion of this unique jam), it is DIFFICULT to find and it is a delicious jam. Expensive because of the manual labor that is required to harvest the currents and produce the jam, this does rate as one of the more expensive jams you will find…. Good, absolutely.

Ikea’s Cloudberry Jam

Another really amazing find that came from one of my coworkers is the ability to purchase cloudberrys (one of the 1000 things from Scandinavian) in the form of jam at Ikea. Once again, an expensive berry due to the fact that they only grow above the arctic circle, the jam is really special. Monika brought it to a team meeting. Most of of loved it but there were a few who didn’t like the seeds (that don’t really seem like seeds but give it crunch. Need jam? Think Cloudberry or red currant.
