Caffe Calabria-North Park neapolitan pizzeria & coffee roaster

In previous blogs I have talked about both my Italian first food memories and my love of Neapolitan Pizza.  Traveling to Naples is not always an option but a trip to North Park is not bad (for the SoCal contingent).  I tried CaffeCalibria in an attempt to try a Bicerin.  Bicerin is a coffee drink with nutella.  Not overly sweet, the nutella just gives the coffee a nice hazelnut flavor.  You can see they are also beautiful. Bicerin was so delicious that I had to have two (and consequently got so much done that day on my coffee high). The pizza was very Neopaltin.  Look out, Naples, Caffe Calabria has a less expensive option to a ticket to eat pizza.


You can do irrefutably impossible things with the right amount of planning and support from intelligent and hardworking people and pizza.

-Scott M. Gimple, Writer
