Sponge Cake in the pan

As we all know, Covid19 gives you far more time to bake (and eat).  There were several food items on the 1000 Things to Eat Before you Die list that were to be made at Passover or Easter.  One of these is something called a Passover Sponge Cake. I didn’t hold out too much hope for it because the recipe in the actual book calls for potato flour and Matza Meal (which is ground up Matza crackers).  I decided to make this before Passover and on my next weekly grocery store visit (can’t go too many times with Covid19) i found the store did not have Matza Meal. Hmmm. I then ordered from Amazon on Prime which now means things come when they come so the Meal arrived well after Passover. Lucky for me I didn’t care.

Truvia & Sugar Blen

So back to the ingredients, the recipe did also call for 12 eggs and both lemon and orange zest so I had some hope this would be good.  Turns out, it is really good. If you love Angel Food cake then this one is a winner.  I will also say that one of my favorite finds is something called Truvia which I have purchased in a Truvia/Cane Sugar blend.  Truvia is a form of Stevia and the blend is ¼  sugar and ¾ Truvia.  I find it tastes like real sugar but cuts the calories by ¾.  I used Truvia in my Passover Sponge Cake.  This is not going to go down in history as my most favorite cake it the world-those all include chocolate-but it was pretty darn tasty.   
