
In Mimi Sheraton’s 1000 Foods to Eat Before you Die, she lists several Moroccan delicacies and one is the Briouat. A briouat is a Moroccan version of a samosa. The flavors inside are similar to another of the 1000 things-the B’stilla. Anyone who has eaten in a Moroccan restaurant has likely had a b’stilla-it is the meat-filled pastry pie covered in powdered sugar? A briouat is similar-filled with minced meat, onions and scrambled eggs. The dough is similar to phyllo but called warkha. I find that warkha results in a less greasy b’stilla or briouat than if phyllo is used. I made them this week to take to Second Chance using The Spruce Eats website. I used turkey instead of chicken or pigeon which would be more traditional fillings. I love the combo of both sweet and savory seasonings: paprika, cumin, salt, pepper and cinnamon and the light dusting of powdered sugar on top. When Elena, Ivan and I went to Moroccan we ate like fiends but I didn’t know about Briouats at that point. We might need to make a return trip, although, they aren’t all that hard to make. Mimi lists them as a dumpling and since Samosas qualify, I’m adding briouats to my dumpling post collection.
