“-“What’s that for?”
-“Have a little bread with your ice cream,” she told me.”
― Astrid Amara, Holiday Outing

So yet another posting on honey.  I brought a bottle of Miel de Pyrenees des Romarin which translates to Honey made from Rosemary from the Pyrenees.  This was the last of the elusive honey listed in my 1000 Foods book that I needed to try. The last bottle I bought which I thought was the last bottle ended up being lavender not rosemary.  This time I managed to buy the correct bottle which we paired with Tracy’s roll recipe. These are really good-almost a cross between a roll and a biscuit-and are very quick to make. They come from a blog in 2010 which can be found here.  I ate three the first day and it is only 10 am and I have already had one on the second.  Elena wanted to learn how to bake bread so she and Tracy whipped up three batches.  The verdict on the honey? I liked the consistency of the lavender one better but this honey is delicious.

Want to buy honey?  Euro Gourmet
