Thank you, Monika, for Sauna Sausages in Hillcrest

Sausages cooking on the Grill

One of the really intriguing thing about reading Mimi Sheraton’s 1000 Foods to Eat before you Die is that there are things in it that you haven’t heard of before. One of these things is sauna sausages where you cook the sausage in the Sauna and eat them as part of the sauna experience. I told a colleague and friend from work about this-she has a sauna in her home- and Monika invited me last night to have dinner with her, have a sauna and eat sauna sausages. In order to be very authentic, I ordered Finnish mustard that came in a box from Finland addressed by hand by the seller of the mustard. Priceless. After enjoying and amazing sauna with great company, I ate delicious sauna sausages with Finnish mustard. So enjoyable….
