I have learned about a new cooking ingredient called Red Palm Oil.  It is a super food AND the taste is really nice. I needed to use this in order to make a new soup from the 1000 Foods to Eat Before you Die called Efo Riro. Every recipe I could find says you had to have the palm oil AND dried shrimp or crawfish to make this dish so I found both (I picked the dried shrimp). This dish is a traditional Nigerian Spinach Stew.  It is made with lots of meat-in this case-beef, chicken legs and shrimp.  Each item is cooked with the Red Palm Oil and then mixed together with spices and spinach.  Do I think you should make Efo Riro?  Well, the red palm oil is an interesting oil.  It has two different cooking levels-not cooking at all or splattering red goblets all over the kitchen.  I feel as if this is another miss.  I threw out the rest of the red palm oil.